Wednesday, August 11, 2010

and, for my next trick...

My labmate, her boyfriend, one other friend, and I just registered for what appears to be my next race. It's called the Warrior Dash, and is a 5K run with 11 obstacles along the way. When I say obstacles, I mean...OBSTACLES:

*Warrior Wall - conquer the wooden barricade
* Breathless Bog - trudge through waist deep water and over the logs
*Walk the Plank - traverse the gully on wooden planks
*Knee High Hell - speed step through hundreds of tires
*Tunnels of Terror - burrow through the black tunnels
*Black Forrest - forge your way through uncharted forrest
*Hay Fever - hustle up and over giant straw bales
*Junker Jump - clamber over the rusted wreckage
*Cargo Climb - maneuver over the cargo nets
*Warrior Roast - leap over the warrior fires
*Muddy Mayhem - scramble beneath barbed wire as you near the finish


  1. I think I considered signing up for something like this once, but then decided that it sounded too much like torture.

  2. oh, you are - what wave start are you in?

  3. darn, 9:30! But we should coordinate before/after! I'm so excited, it's going to be so fun.
