Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'll get back to you someday soon, you'll see

I've been in Tennessee for a few days now, with a few days left to go.  I woke up late (or so I thought) yesterday morning, and decided maybe I didn't have time for a run.  After half an hour I realized that my phone, while set to automatically detect the time, was still detecting Eastern time and not Central.  With my gained hour I strapped on my shoes, with needing any external motivation, and hit the roads for a small 3 mile loop.  It was fantastic.  The new scenery was certainly welcome, but it just felt good to be back out there.  So good, in fact, that this morning I did the same loop - but faster.  Bringing my grand total to 6 Tennessee miles this trip so far.

NDH and I have been scheming for our upcoming joint races, and I am overly excited about the prospects of a road trip to Nashville.  I've even added camping in the Smokey Mountains to our agenda, with or without his approval.

This is my last trip in a series of escapes lately, and I think I'm finally straight in the head.  Thanks to all my friends who have put up with me this month, and especially to NDH and LDH who have both suggested several times that getting back out there for a run would help.  Though I dragged my feet about it for a while, of course you were right.  This may be the motivation I need to do a small run every morning - days that start with a run have been insanely better for me lately.

This song somehow snuck onto my iPod shuffle in amongst the GirlTalk, was much appreciated and struck a chord with me yesterday morning. Thank you, Fleet Foxes!

1 comment:

  1. I am a bit behind on my reading, but yay for running! And yay for blogging!
